## Worldbuilding Creative writing is fun, but I tend to enjoy the act of world building more than trying to write a story. So, rather than trying to write a single story I'll be putting my worldbuilding notes here for the fantasy world I've come up with, Delsanus. Right now all I have is a description of all the [[Gods of Delsanus|gods]], but over time I'll write more. ## Coding Challenges I'm a software engineer who loves coding, so I try to find excuses to do more of it in my free time for fun. As a result, I'm forever starting new projects and never finishing them. Mostly because I tend to get a bit ambitious with my ideas, make some progress, then lose interest. Recently I've decided I'm going to try coming up with smaller challenges for myself. I want to try thinking of interesting problems that I can use for practice that'll only take me an afternoon or two to finish. I've also decided to try making these challenges interactive, so if anyone else has stumbled upon this page y'all can try them for yourselves and/or see how I've solved them. | Post | Description | | ------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [[Challenges/Tic Tac Toe.md\|Tic Tac Toe]] | The first challenge I set for myself, and also the easiest. Writing a simple bot to play Tic Tac Toe. |